Clearing and Activation for the Divine Feminine Portal at Versailles with
You come to these pages for a reason, the temple of love has crossed your path! Here we are working in the temple of love with mary magdalene and marie antoinette who was not as history says and was actually a rose who held the maria ways of the rose and the light temple of the rose at versailles as a rose galactic portal. She was a lightworker and held venus ceremonies in accordance with maria rose ways.
Like Maria Magdalene she is now being restored back to being remembered as the light of who she was. She did not suffer at her parting, in fact it is not as history tells us, there is another story, that was hidden.
Maria Antoinette is shining bright in joy in the ethers with the marys and is same soul star as Diana and many other royals of white nobility, who were used and sometimes sacrificed, but now return to light.
Since Maria Antoinette has started coming through for rose feminine lightworkers, there have been mixed messages about her truth. Just to put the record straight, in my own messages I get from and about her, she did NOT suffer in vile ways before or during her death. There was a suffering in that she lost her power and reputation and yet she foresaw what was ahead, she was prepared and she turned to her light practices and to Goddess and in this way she was held, she went to the light. She was held, protected and it is not as has been reported.
So do not see her in suffering, just as you are not to believe in the misinformation about her life and words (mistruths spread to instigate revolution, innocent people led to believe she was something she was not, through vile propaganda, set ups, deceptions). Please see her in radiant joy with the Marys of Light and all is well.
To work with the temple of love, you can get either of the first 2 audios or buy both on the 3rd tab (temple of love package) or simply go deep within in your own ways and use the blessing script below as a guide. These words can only be used for LIGHT.
THIS VISUALISATION IS HELD IN LIGHT AND ONLY LIGHT SOULS WITH HIGHEST INTENTIONS WILL BE DRAWN TO IT AND IT IS HELD BY ANGELIC MASTERS OF LIGHT IN EVERY DIRECTION. THIS PRAYER OPENS THE PORTAL AT VERSAILLES TEMPLE OF LOVE AND IN DOING SO THE NEW GOLDEN AGE IS MADE MANIFEST, THE DIVINE FEMININE RAY ANCHORS IN DEEPER, THE LIGHT GRID IS WOKEN, THE DIVINE MASCULINE IS ALSO HEALED, ALL TRAUMA FROM THE PATRIARCHY IS TRANSMUTED AND THE GODDESS RETURNS! Please set a sacred space to speak the following words out aloud pausing where you need to allow the energy to come in deeper and feeling into the visual images as you speak. please share your experiences with me if you wish either personally or in the fb group. With love Ishtara rose xxxxx
In manifesting the new Golden Age and the return of the Goddess here in Versailles, we clear the energy of the wounded feminine in order to birth the new light of the divine feminine
And in doing this we clear energy of the wounded masculine to birth the new light of the divine masculine
And to birth the new Light age of Unity and Oneness
Men and women are both affected by the patriarchy as we both carry the essence of the Divine Feminine within
In this space we now invoke Marie Antoinette and Marie Magdalena
Both women who were misunderstood and mistreated, yet both starseed roses who will now rise and be returned to take up their rightful places recognised and revered as the Goddesses they are
Marie Antoinette and Maria Magdalena we thank you for your work in opening this sacred temple at Versailles and we honour that
We tune in now to see a beautiful circle of Rose Priestesses standing in the Temple of Love
They were in fact standing in this circle in ceremony with Marie Antoinette not so many years ago and we connect to that very real moment in history right now connecting the timelines up
So we feel their ceremony and we connect to it
And we clear all the energy that must be cleared from that now
We feel Mary Magdalene present - We feel Mother Mary present - We feel Aphrodite present
And through these 3 Goddesses comes the Goddess energy of Isis Ishtar Rhiannon and through that comes the Goddess energy of the Great One Divine Mother
We now imagine Marie Antoinette in the middle of this circle of rose priestesses and see that there is an ethereal circle of many more priestesses of spirit holding her
She is with Mary Magdalene and in a way they are one and the same woman, they become one
And she also represents every single woman who has been affected by the patriarchy, who feels the programmes and patterning of wounds and trauma so deep in her psyche ready to all completely clear right now
and this wilL now unravel
at this most sacred time on earth we bring in the brightest Light imaginable deep into the trauma and wounds to heal them and transmute them all
for all women for all men
and as this happens the Divine Feminine will be birthed and this portal will be opened to the highest light imaginable and the Light radiance for this will set out waves across and through the entire planet waking up so many and waking up so much, people, plant, sacred sites and lands and rocks and animals and elementals
And so we do this now with a simple visualisation
We see the image today of all that wounding, tight and curled up in pain, and it is in MA who represents all of us, she is lying under the dome temple of love, in foetal position feeling all of this pain. She is surrounded by her sisters and held. There are also brothers of the roses holding her, layers and layers of priests and priestess holding her like the layers of a rose.
and she is in the centre, feeling it all
And then this incredible LIGHT enters the dome and fills her
and the light of the love of her brothers and sisters of the rose shines to her around the circle so that from every angle she is filled with light
And around that is a circle of light angels and ascended masters of light holding it all
And around that are other Light Masters of galactics from Venus and Pleiades and Andromeda and Sirius and Arcturus and Jupiter and much much more
And as it fills her, it fills ALL those who are of her same essence and tapped into running these same programs
And she unfurls
And the pain flows and spirals up to the light
All the pain, the wounds, the hurts, the darkness, the trauma, for all women, and for Marie Antoientte herself this is felt as the years being misunderstood and alone and in grief, the loss of pregnancies, the separation from her beloved, the fear of the darkness, the false accusations, the hatred of royal and revolutionaries alike, the fears of those abusers and isolation, the loss of her son (but she knew he would get out) all the accusations against Marie Antoinette, and we also feel now Mary Magdalene, the false accusations against her and the removal of her power, and from that we feel the deep deep pain and battering and abuse for all women, in order to clear it ALL
And it is ALL taken out as one energy and up and up spiralling up and up through the temple through the very centre
and is transmuted and transformed immediately in the source light
transformed into source light and love
and it keep streaming up and out and
As it does keeps being transformed and flies off like a million beautiful white birds free
so we see these white birds of light free flying off to shine the new light rebirthed
…… so we have a few minutes of silence as we feel this energy of it all streaming up and out and being transformed into beautiful white birds flying free to shine the new light rebirthed …
and she unfurls and stretches like a true mermaid, a true queen, a true Goddess under and of and in the Light
The Light continues to fill her and She becomes stronger
and She unravels and unravels and stretches out taller and taller
feeling more and more beautiful within
feeling so strong in her softness within
The Love so powerful
stronger in her self love,
stronger in her self worth,
stronger in her self acceptance and self belief and the feelings of being loved
She becomes so big and the joy enters her as she realises she doe snot need anyone to prove she is lovable, for she love herself absolutely
And still the light shines in
stronger and stronger
And in releasing her wounds, all those who abused her are released from this program and pattern too,
And all those who she took responsibility for, she also releases them too, they are hers no longer
And still the light pours in and she realises she never needs to run any of those programs again,
she does not need to go through any of that trauma ever again,
for the times now are all about the return to the Light
and so with this Light pouring in
ALL past lives running with ALL those programs for ALL the collective of starseed roses are CLEARED.
and the Light POURS DEEP into her heart and there is a great and wondrous flash and in that one moment everything is transmuted and in that one moment the portal is opened and the divine feminine is birthed
It is all healed, all the trauma GONE and will never need to be repeated again
The old darkness is gone completely
And the new light is birthed completely
And She is now completely plugged into NEW patterns of the Divine Feminine and so it is we see her standing so tall and beautiful as Aprhdite in her shell in The Birth of Venus painting by Botticeli and indeed this was Maria Magdalenea and it is Marie Antoientte and it is me and it is you it is all of us and this is the energy in all beings too, in women, men, animals, birds, plants, waters, landscapes, rocks….
And thus with this new energy She now manifest new realities new ways new people, inviting in those who are also starseed roses and can love her and support her and accept her and who get and understand her fully
And the world itself will manifest new codes o flight, new ways of interaction, new possibilities and every arena will be aligned to the light from politics to healthcare and this is so
And in the transition any darkness is simple the darkness unfolding as it falls into Light to be transmuted so we utterly trust in the divine light that this is unfolding and know that this is so
And still in the Temple of Light the Light pours in and in and in
wave after wave after wave
And there is one great illumination
And now it is done
There is a HUGE pink rose of light vibration and it is set into the very heart of the Temple of Love and the Temple of Love is an ethereal holographic image in the spirit realms that is hovering above the physical one
This pink rose is set
The portal is open
Marie Antoinette is healed risen and whole again
Mary Magdalene is healed risen and whole again
Both of them have been restored
Both of them stand and touch foreheads in the centre of the circle and a great Light radiates out
they rise up and away together and one and whole
and the large pink rose is set now
and it will always be there as a light vibration shining out the light protected and held by angelic beings in a circle around it for all ways
and so light prevails now in all directions of time
Mary Magdalena, Maria Antoinette Johanna Josephina is risen
The Light of the Divine Feminine is here
The portal is one
The age of Light ascension is here
Her time has arrived to shine again
and so it IS!
and it is done it is done it is done!
Know now that MA and MM are both now risen and free and untouchable by any attempts as they are fully in the light
but there will be no more attempts for they have been released into light
and those who do attempt simply receive back the thing they put out, as is the law of karma
but it all transforms to light for all anyway
Light is shining
all beings are free
Light reigns again on earth
this is now the time of Light!
Blessings to all!